
Hand washing and COVID-19 - The PürStation solution

Hand washing and COVID-19 - The PürStation solution

Two options to meet all your needs

Mobile units. Freestanding PürStation hand washing stations can be set up in any interior or exterior location because they do not need to be connected to a supply of water or electricity. Designed and manufactured in Quebec, the units can be easily moved because they are mounted on casters and equipped with handles. Opening the top reveals a washbasin, a soap dispenser, and a paper towel holder. The water and soap containers are housed in the bottom part and are activated by a pedal, allowing hands-free operation.

Stationary units. These PürStation units, which are offered at a lower cost, are perfect for situations in which mobility is not a priority. Featuring all the benefits of the portable stations, they can also be directly connected to a water source. 

Soap, more effective than hand sanitizer

The scientific community’s recommendation is clear: The most effective way to disinfect and eliminate bacteria and viruses such as COVID-19 is by washing hands with soap and water. Health Canada recommends that the use of ethanol-based hand sanitizers be reserved for situations in which there is no access to soap and water.

A pleasant experience for the user

Unlike disinfecting with ethanol-based sanitizer, which dries out the skin and can be irritating when used several times per day, washing with soap and water does not damage the skin’s natural protective barrier. Also, it leaves the hands feeling pleasantly clean, rather than covered with a sticky film.

A great return on investment

Costs associated with buying hand sanitizer are having an impact on the budgets of stores and businesses. Since soap is considerably cheaper than hand sanitizer, the PürStation pays for itself quickly. This is worth bearing in mind, considering that the health crisis is not going to be over soon, while workers are expected to return to their place of employment by the beginning of 2021.

An environmentally responsible choice

The pandemic has forced hundreds of millions of people to use disposable products and PPE on a daily basis. As a consequence, astronomical quantities of plastic waste, much of which is from hand-sanitizer bottles, are finding their way into the oceans and littering the urban landscape. By choosing the PürStation solution, businesses can help protect the environment.  

A turnkey solution

PürStation units meet the needs of a variety of businesses. To name a few: offices, banks, and professional services; retail stores and restaurants; conference and event facilities; festivals and sports centres; and, finally, construction and manufacturing sites. This great versatility makes PürStation a valuable option for those who care about the health and wellbeing of their customers and employees.


Health Canada